Not too long ago, we pointed out that despite a brief fling with Microsoft, Jerry Seinfeld is still an Apple fan at heart. In the most recent season of Curb your Enthusiasm – which just ended this past Sunday – Jerry was often seen working diligently behind a MacBook Pro. This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise for Seinfeld fans given that there was always a Mac on Jerry’s desk throughout the series. In the last season of Seinfeld, the Twentieth Anniversary Mac was visible in many episodes.
But Jerry is a man of the times, and you can’t expect him to stick with an old Mac forever. The underlying plotline on this season of Curb was a Seinfeld reunion show which would go onto air as an episode within Curb itself. Before the season aired, the producers discussed how they were going to re-create Jerry’s apartment to a tee, but would add in a few tweaks to modernize it for the times. The fridge, for example, went from a regular old white one to a stainless steel one. And as for the ubiquitous Mac that was so visible throughout Seinfeld’s 9-year run? Well, that’s now a spankin’ new iMac.
via Macenstein